May Label News

Denison Witmer has been finishing the mixes of his third full-length, Philadelphia Songs, with local Philadelphian, Edan Cohen (who recorded the recent Songs: Ohia album). After his tour, Denison recruited The Six Parts Seven to play additional parts to the foundations that were already recorded. The album is set for a fall release on cd/LP and will coincide with a full tour. In June or so, Denison's first cdep, River Bends, will be re-released on Burnt Toast Vinyl with some new artwork and packaging. More details on the re-issue when everything is finished. Denison is working on plans for June/July touring and should be on the west coast for a few shows with Rosie Thomas.

Burnt Toast Vinyl will be releasing Don Peris' Ten Silver Slide Trombones to stores in July through Redeye distribution. Look for this release at a store near you then. Don is the guitarist for the innocence mission and has been involved in the production of Denison Witmer's first two full-length releases. Ten Silver Slide Trombones is an amazing record, self-catagorized as post-Vatican II folk music. It features beautiful melodies in the realm of Neil Young and Nick Drake with Don's whispy, airy voice accompanying. btv is extremely excited to be a part of this incredible release.

Unwed Sailor's Firecracker has been pressed as a cdep in a special digipak, as well as on a super thick red 7". Firecracker is now available in stores. Johnathon Ford is currently on tour with Damien Jurado, T. W. Walsh, and Pedro the Lion. He's also been writing new songs with Roadside Monument. Circle of Birds (Johnathon Ford with members of Ester Drang and Lasso) is still awaiting final mixing for its release on Burnt Toast Vinyl, but plans are being made, changed, and re-made. After the tour, plans are set for Johnathon and Casey Foubert (Seldom, Pedro the Lion) to mix the album. Soon, very soon, this release will see the light as a cdep and 10" and is expected to be available directly from the band in July and in stores in September or so.

Ester Drang have been busy practicing up, getting some songs in order, and preparing for some recordings. Their 7" for Zeal Recordings is still looming in the near future and plans are being made to record a new full-length in the fall or so. The Drang will be taking the West by storm in early June, so look for them if you live in that part of the U.S. Goldenwest will be released in Europe by Gentlemen Records (Switzerland) during the summer. An LP version may accompany this release.

The Trouble with Sweeney have released a cdep, The Trouble with Sweeney Plays Karen and others on Basement Life Records. It will be released to retail stores through Burnt Toast Vinyl and Redeye in the beginning of June. Joey has taken the solo act to the road with friend Bill Riccini coast-to-coast and they are going everywhere. Look for them to bring the rock to a town near you.

Jetenderpaul's new 7", A Casualty Too Serious To Afford, finally made it across the Atlantic to the U.S. from Norway. These songs are some amazing indie pop treasures and the vinyl turned out great. This is a co-release with Norway's Hype City Records. All pre-orders have been shipped; be sure to buy yours now if you haven't already. Jetenderpaul will release a split cdep with Norway's Loch Ness Mouse later in 2002 and will also be working on a cdep for btv for release after the split.

All American Radio has not been forgotten. After struggles to find and train various drummers, the band has hit paydirt. Their completed full-length will see the light of day in the fall of 2002. The band will be playing several shows in the area and several shows out of the PA area, as well, as they get back into the swing of things.

The one-sided LP series is slowly lining up. The next releases will be from Yume Bitsu, Early Day Miners, Aspera, Kind of Like Spitting and AM/FM if everything goes according to plan. Additional confirmations include Ester Drang, Unwed Sailor, Lenola, Six Parts Seven, Brother Danielson, The Good Life, The Gloria Record, Adam Voith, Erlend of Kings of Convenience project, T.W. Walsh, the Sixth Great Lake, Brandtson, and Neil Halstead. More details on each release when they are more ready. Damien Jurado's Four Songs has been distributed by Secretly Canadian and is nearly sold out, so look for this in all of the coolest vinyl-selling record shops near you. Or order direct and get it before it's too late. Damien has these LPs on tour with him, as well. Other LPs in the series will also be distributed by Secretly Canadian.

Reels of White Softly Flow has finished their debut release, the first live LP only release. Things have been sent off to the factory for pressing. The band isn't officially on the label, but many old and dear friends are in the band, so the news is noteworthy. Look for them to play some live shows in June.

members of psalters will be traveling to the middle east to protest Iraqi sanctions as part of a peace walk through Iraq. The group will be bringing medical supplies into Iraq in violation of the sanctions. Stop by if you happen to be in the area. They'll be playing some shows in the area, as well as out in Colorado with the Denver Gentlemen.

The btv website has an extensive list of stores that carry our titles. If you are unable to find our releases in your favorite store, let them know that they can order our cd releases from Redeye and the one-sided LP releases from Secretly Canadian.

Takin' Care of Business,

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